Upon the tempest-tossed seas he sailed, A weary man named Jason, lost and frail. The ocean roared, his vessel weak and small, And in his heart, he knew he’d face a fall. In desperation, Jason cried aloud, To God above, he prayed within the shroud, “O Mighty One, I ask of you to save, This…
Category: Genres
Lila’s Diwali
In a village tucked away, where the sun shines bright, A girl named Lila awaits the festive night. With a heart full of glee and eyes shining wide, The spirit of Diwali, in her soul, resides. The streets adorned with colors and clay lamps aglow, An enchanting aura the village does bestow. Lila’s laughter fills…
The Savior’s Lost Journey
In a land, untrodden and unknown, Where tales unwritten rest alone, A story lies, concealed from sight, Of Jesus’ journey through the night. The moon did shine, a silver glow, Guiding Jesus where to go, Into a forest, dense and deep, Where shadows danced, and secrets keep. With whispered prayers upon his breath, He tread…
An Easter Ode
In springtime bloom, on hallowed ground, A sacred story to be found, When skies were gray, and hearts dismayed, A light emerged, the darkness frayed. The Easter morn, that holy day, When love and life had come to stay, A tomb lay bare, a stone rolled back, The Savior risen, no faith to lack. A…
Unwavering Faith
In ancient times, long ere the dawn, A man named Job, in faith was drawn, To serve his Lord, both day and night, A story old, of truth and light. In land of Uz, where he did dwell, His piety, no words could tell, With riches vast, and family dear, His life was full, no…
The Celestial Strife
In ancient times, when gods did reign, Three mighty brothers, bound by fate, Engaged in battles to stake their claim, Their war did shake the mortal plane. On mountaintops, Zeus stood tall, His lightning bolts, he would hurl, His thunderous voice, a fearsome call, Proclaiming mastery o’er the world. Poseidon, ruler of the sea, With…
Eternal Specter
Within these haunted walls, a tale untold, A specter born of anguish and despair, Cursed with a fate that none would ever share, He walks the night, with secrets dark and cold. In life, he knew the torment of the knife, Each plunge, each cut, a symphony of woe, He murdered himself, a wicked echo,…
Journey for the Eternal Spark
In the age of glowing screens and endless bytes, A man set sail, his heart ablaze with light. From continent to continent he roamed, To find a diamond for the love he’d known. In bustling cities, quiet towns he trod, Across the cyberspace, he’d deftly nod. From East to West, his passion as his guide,…
The Jobsian Ode: Legacy of Steve Jobs
In the orchard of ambition, a seed was sown, A visionary force, by the name of Jobs was known. From humble beginnings, a titan arose, Changing the course of history, in the tale he chose. Steve, a maverick, a dreamer of grandiose design, Crafted a legacy, with the wisdom of the divine. He breathed life…
Shadows of Victorious Sorrow
In ancient times of myth and lore, Where creatures roamed and legends bore, Two races stood, both proud and tall, Elves and dwarves, before the fall. The elven lords with grace and light, Silent hunters in the night, With bows and arrows, swift and sleek, Their vengeance and their pride did seek. The dwarves, a…